Late Middle Ages

Sociedad Ibérica de Arquería Histórica (ES)

The goal of SIAH is to study and promote historical bows, their characteristics, and the appropriate techniques for their correct use in the Iberian Peninsula. 

Additionally, our focus extends to the cultural aspects of these historical periods and backgrounds associated with each type of bow.
We believe it is crucial to bring visibility to historical archery. Hence, we decided to establish an association dedicated to the rigorous study of this practice—a space that consolidates knowledge for anyone seeking to initiate or delve deeper into historical archery.

Burning Lime


With continuous heat of 1,000 °C, 2.2 tons of quicklime can be produced from approx. 3 tons of limestone, which is later processed with water and sand into plaster and mortar. 15 stere of firewood makes oven doors and limestone glow cherry red. 

Medieval Games and Leisure


Did people even have leisure time in the Middle Ages? Most people don't know it, but actually, they had MORE days off back then than we do today! In those days, people entertained themselves with games, sports, and play, many of which we still know today - although they were often a lot more violent than in our time.