

The process of uncovering, examing and recording remains on an archaeological site (sometimes called a "dig").

Gene Fornby - the Ancient Village of Gene

Carl L. Thunberg 1
Publication Date

I have for years, through articles, debate and political activities, been a very active part in the efforts to preserve Gene Fornby from demolition. The cause seemed long doomed to be lost, but in the end the saving-line won. Therefore the longhouse and the smithy, in my opinion the important reconstructions, will be preserved and restored.

Arheoloski Institut (RS)

Member of EXARC

The Arheološki Institut in Belgrade (the National Archaeological Institute) is performing archaeological research since 1947. They have research programmes, publish in a variety of ways, do public archaeology and reconstruct buildings.
Viminacium is an ancient Roman site on the right bank of the Danube in eastern Serbia. In an area of about 450 ha are the remains of a military camp, a city and cemeteries. Remains of a Roman bath, a mausoleum and one of the gates of the military camp can be seen, as well as a replica of a Roman villa.

Viminacium is an ancient Roman site on the right bank of the Danube in eastern Serbia. In an area of about 450 ha are the remains of a military camp, a city and cemeteries. Remains of a Roman bath, a mausoleum and one of the gates of the military camp can be seen, as well as a replica of...