
Call for papers, Conference: Loricati milites

The conference "Loricati milites" is about status, equipment and importance of the Francian military forces in the Early Medieval Period. It will take place 14-16 March 2018.

Call for Papers and Demonstrations
Demonstrations may take the form of ongoing archaeological experiments, craft displays, warfare techniques etc.
Areas of interest for possible papers and demonstrations:
• Wars in the Early Medieval Period Weapons
• Animals in warfare
• Wardrobe and armour of the mounted warrior
• Logistics and strategy
• Clergy and early medieval warfare

Deadline for submission of abstracts with title (150 words): Sept 15th 2017. If accepted, papers will have to be of no more than 15 minutes duration. Please include presenter’s name, affiliation and contact information.

Kindly submit the abstract in pdf format to

Accepted applicants will be notified by October 1st 2017. The selection of papers will take into consideration how the combination of contributions might best stimulate conversations and debates, and expand perspectives on the topic.

UNESCO World Heritage Site Lorsch Abbey
Lauresham Open Air Laboratory for Experimental Archaeology
Claus Kropp
Nibelungenstr. 32
D-64653 Lorsch